In the concert programme Forgotten Female Fiddlers we offer narration as well as music. The female folk music performers that the duo has unearthed by searching archives and collections are highlighted. Engaging life stories, cheerful snapshots and lots of music are stored in the duo’s treasure chest of Scanian goodies. The tunes they have found are juxtaposed with their own compositions and lets groovy dance tunes contrast with moving songs and folk hymns.
Programme length 60-75 minutes
Miriam Andersén – voice, transverse flute, harp, chord zither, bones
Anna Rynefors – Swedish säckpipa, nyckelharpa, clog fiddle, voice
The duo Anna Rynefors & Miriam Andersén, both Riksspelmän/”National folk musicians”, launched the project Kvinnolåt (”Women’s tune”) in 2015 and have since been engaged in lifting the women out of the recesses of music history – from the Norse women skalds of the Viking Age to the forgotten female fiddlers of the 19th century.