Concert programmes
Below you will find concert programmes currently available. Don’t hesitate to make special requests!
Folk Hymns from Scania
In the past, the church hymns lead an independent existence in the Swedish countryside and the melodies were adorned with extra notes and trills. We perform Scanian ”folk psalm tones” in our own arrangements and play a wedding march or polska where we see fit.
Forgotten Female Fiddlers
In the concert programme Forgotten Female Fiddlers we offer narration as well as music. The female performers of Scania that the duo has unearthed by searching archives and collections are highlighted.
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Miriam Andersén is a Swedish singer and bearer of the honorary title of Riksspelman. She trained as a singer at the Schola Cantorum Basilienses in Switzerland, also studying medieval harp, medieval notation and performance practise. Since then she has toured the globe as a freelance musician.
An expert on Swedish traditional music and its medieval roots – especially the epic traditions of ballads and skaldic poetry – her repertoire encompasses a wide spectrum of genres from Gregorian chant to contemporary music. Together with Anna Rynefors she pilots the project Kvinnolåt (”Women’s Tune”), which is dedicated to shine a light into the role of women in music history. They have released the album Forgotten Female Fiddlers and play a part in Swedish Television’s enterprise The History of Sweden (The Music History of Sweden).